3 essential documents to insure your vehicle

After extensive research, you have finally found the car insurance that suits you best. But you are wondering about the documents necessary to subscribe to it. Discover here the essential documents to insure your vehicle.

The registration certificate

If you plan to subscribe to a online car insurancee, the first document that will be requested from you is the registration certificate of your vehicle.

Two reasons justify the importance of this document. First, the registration number of your vehicle must appear on your auto insurance certificate.

Also, information such as the model, version and date of entry into circulation of the vehicle are also recorded on this document.

If you are in doubt about how much your insurance may cost, do not hesitate to ask for a car and motorcycle insurance quote.

Driving license

You cannot get car insurance without a driver’s license. It is therefore mandatory to certify your ability to drive.

To do this, simply provide a copy of your driving license to your insurer.

If you are a young driver, for example, your insurer can offer you car insurance tailored to your profile.

The insurance information statement

This document, also called a situation statement, will be given to you by your former insurance company.

It is a document that summarizes your history and previous claims as an insured.

This statement will also be used to determine your type of insurance contract and the amount of your contribution for this new insurance.

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